If I Knew Then What I Know Now
Oct 26, 2022Dear 2019 Christen,
I see you looking at your extension work and comparing it to everything you see on social media. I know you want to be better, offer the best to our clients, and create instagrammable hair. But as I sit here in 2022 and reflect on our choices, I want to share some things with you.
First, that certificate you framed and hung up in your salon doesn’t end up making you more money. I know! You thought it would, it just collects dust. No one cares that you worked hard for it, and your clients don’t give a shit if you have it or not.
This certificate and the program are unsuitable for your mental health; they trigger past responses and will send you on a rollercoaster of highs and lows. You are searching for validation; we will never get that from this or any other outside source.
Let go of what you thought “certification” meant and start experimenting on your own. Once you do that, your extension game is going to change. Your clients will be much more comfortable, you will be happier and have fun. You do this to be creative, and this certification is suffocating your creativity. Let it go.
Next, I need you to start validating yourself. Your opinion and approval are the only ones that matter. Give yourself some damn credit.
Last, what you are longing for already exists internally. Start trusting yourself. You’ve been in this game long, and you know what you’re doing. Impactful lessons happen when you get messy, let go of perfection, and start making mistakes so you can learn how to solve them. Take back your right to create. You've got this, and I know that for a fact.
2022 Christen