Christie Brenn

Coach /Ā Salon Owner

Christie (@christiebrennbeauty) was immersed in the industry at a young age with her mother being a hairdresser for 40 years. After seeing her peers continuously struggle in their journey to take risks and build wealth, she knew she wanted to be part of the revolution to help hairdressers take back the industry. She is the proud owner of a 2-chair micro salon in Charlotte, NC, inspiring fellow hairdressers to pursue a different path to salon ownership.

Her coaching approach is a unique blend of empathy and tough love. She believes that to truly grow, we need both compassion and a gentle push outside our comfort zones. Her ultimate passion lies in helping hairstylists like you increase their income, create more freedom in their lives, and expand their consciousness around business. She is dedicated to equipping you with the tools, strategies, and mindset needed to achieve your goals and thrive in your career and in life!

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Here is what you get:

  • Work directly with coach Christie!
  • Bi-weekly 1:1 phone sessions for 30 minutesĀ 
  • Unlimited messaging
  • Private homeroom
  • Advanced courses
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